Episode 101 - GOLDEN BOY WITH GOLDEN NUGGETS: The Powerful Story And Wisdom Of Brandon T. Adams

Simply powerful. This is how we would sum up the conversation between Mark Ledlow and Brandon Adams. Brandon is a co-founder of Rise and Record and a producer of more content, but most of all, a very powerful storyteller. Join Mark and Brandon as they talk about his journey from not getting a spot in Shark Tank to working side by side with the original shark, to being a teller of stories that move people.


  • Introducing Brandon T. Adams
  • Gearing up for the next level
  • Not in Shark Tank? No problem!
  • The power of consistency
  • Brandon's shows for us to enjoy
  • The power of storytelling
  • Words of encouragement


Brandon on making an impact:

“I can help make the biggest impact by being able to help those people and they can help other people through their talents.”

Brandon on helping others unconditionally:

“Help them, introduce them to people, don't expect anything, but in return, eventually, something will come from it, and it's a long term play for anything.”

How powerful stories are for Brandon:

“Stories are what people remember, stories are what move people. And so I realized that if I can use storytelling in my sales if I can use storytelling in my communication, my talks, my films, I can really create movement, I can get people to understand.”

Brandon’s piece of encouragement:

“As we grow as humans, we want to grow, we want to feel a part of something, we're gonna become happier. And also, we have something we're working towards, versus just sitting there and wondering, what do I do?”

Connect with Brandon Adams and Kevin Harrington and learn more about his work with the link below:

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